Sunday, June 1, 2014

What Buyers Need To Know

In a competitive market, sometimes buyer's think they can do better by going directly to listing agents. I thought I would share a few points with you on the advantages of having a buyer's agent vs. going to a listing agent.

 1. A listing agent has a fiduciary duty to the seller, that duty includes doing everything they can to get the best price for the seller. Although it is typically not illegal for the same Realtor to represent both the buyer and the seller in the same transaction, it may not truly be in the best interest of the buyer.

 2. In addition, trying to go to the sellers agent is not a unique idea. Chances are there are other buyers trying the same approach. If a listing agent is writing an offer for them they may also be writing an offer for other buyers. The agent has no loyalty to the buyer; their loyalty is to the seller (by contract).

 3. Some Buyers think it will save them time by having is a Sellers Realtor represent them, thus giving them an advantage. Most cases, this is not true; the compensation the Seller pays is the same whether there is one or two agents.

 4.Sellers who accept offers in which their agent is also representing the buyer often do so because they believe they will be better able to control the buyer due to the lack of buyer agent representation.

 5. Buyers who have buyer agent representation will have a safeguard interest to ensure that the seller and/or the sellers agent is not taking advantage of them. An agent who has a fiduciary duty to the seller may not be as diligent in protecting the buyer.

 6. Buyers who have buyer agent representation will have a professional who is committed to them and committed to finding the home they desire. The sellers agent is committed to selling that particular home for that particular seller with price and terms that are as favorable to the seller as possible.

 7. Many buyers also do not realize a buyer's agent can show any home that is on the MLS. If it's for sale, your agent can show and represent you.

 8. New Construction homes are a seller only representation. If you are interested in new construction make sure to bring your agent with you when you sign up on the list. If you go without your agent at any time whether via internet or in person, chances are you will be in a duel representation. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

What Are Your 2014 Goals?

Everyone has goals in life. When you think of your goals, the first thing that probably comes to mind - How am I to get there?

Planning is the first step.

So what are your goals?

1) To be in a house as soon as possible
2) To be in a house 3-6 months from now
3) Be in a house before my lease is up
4) Work on my credit first
5) Saving money for a down payment
6) Planning to sell my house this year
7) To be in a house by next year sometime
8) It's a 3+ year plan in the making
9) I am an investor
10) Just bought a home

Whatever the plan is, know that I am flexible and will work with you. Buying or selling a home takes time, planning, and a lot of thought. I would love to hear about your goals. This will help me to make notes as to your home priorities. If you are a browser great, please continue browsing. Keeping up with the market is always a smart idea, but why are you browsing? Is it because you have a goal in mind? Please know I am not just any Realtor, if you have a plan in your head, I will help get you there.
Look forward you hearing about your goals for 2014.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Bring In the New Year By Planning Your 2014 Home Adventure

Greeting Readers,
Sending well wishes to you and yours and that 2013 treated you well.
The New Year brings on new beginnings, please let me know if you have any questions about your real estate needs.
As a full time real estate agent I am always actively looking at property and would be happy to answer questions you may have about the market. Whether it’s to help you plan your next home upgrade, buy your first home, or help you plan to sell your current home, the tools that ZipRealty offers our buyers and sellers can help you take that next step in 2014. I would be happy to meet with you anytime over coffee or tea and just talk about your future home buying or selling plans, just let me know.
If you do not plan to buy or sell in the next year please let me know, and I would be happy to help you in the future.
Look forward to hearing for you,
Happy New Year!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Yes, A Turkey in the Crock!

Yesterday was my birthday, and the furthest thing from my mind was post for Crockpot Sunday.

Here you go readers!

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Have you ever thought to put a turkey in a crockpot?

Well if you have never tried it, you are definitely missing out. It is the only  way to cook a turkey for my family. Since I discovered the deliciously fall off the bone juicy crockpot method, I have not gone back to traditional. Thanks to Anna Cater!

My recipe below; stuffed and unstuffed way to cook a turkey in the crockpot.


                                                                                                             Turkey in the Crocker


7-15lb Turkey (depending on the size crockpot you have)


                                                                                                           Butter Blend for Turkey

1lb of butter

1T oregano

1T parsley

1T basil

1t salt                                                                            

1t pepper



I use dried herbs but you can use fresh too. Blend ingredients well with mixer. Prepare bird normally, then stuff blended butter between breast and skin, being generous, and spreading throughout the breast. Tie legs, stick a thermometer in breast, being careful not to hit any bones. Then put in crockpot. I put turkey in the night before because we usually eat around 2pm. According to Turkey should be minimum of 165*.



10c bread crumbs

1c celery chopped

1 med onion chopped

1T parsley

2 beaten eggs

½ c butter

1t Italian seasoning


Sauté onion, cerlery, and herbs in butter until tender. Add 10c of breadcrumbs, and blend. Allow to cool about 15 mins. Then gradually add beaten eggs and blend well. Stuff bird. Most of the time I have had about 3 cups left over. Put left over stuffing in casserole dish.

Once bird is stuffed, place in crockpot, then do blended butter spread above. Follow same temperature guidelines above. Crockpot 10- 15 hours on low depending on size of bird. Once your bird is cooked to temperature it will be fall off the bone juicy. The skin will be moist, so for those of you who are fans of crispy skin bake skin in the oven at 350* a tad bit.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Know the Difference Between Pre Qualification and Pre Approval

Did you know that pre qualification and pre approval do not mean the same thing when buying a home?

Something  buyers and sellers need to know when venturing into the housing market:

Pre Qualification

This means you have the credit score, and  pulled credit from your lender that shows him/her you "could" be approved for a loan to buy a house.
In this segment process, you are gathering all the necessary  items needed to get a preapproval and go into underwriting.
Underwriting is a fancy way of saying all investors involved in your prequalification process accept or reject the documentation from your lender.

Pre Approval

Is a simple way of saying to the seller, I am ready for underwriting now. I do not need to gather anymore paperwork, and I am ready to buy and be approved for a loan right now.

Many buyers get these two approvals  mixed up, thinking that they are pre qualified and ready to buy.

Buyers: best advise when  you are starting to look, if your lender says you're pre qualified, great you start looking, however continue to stay in contact with your lender getting all the necessary  paperwork together to submit to underwriting, that way your ready  when you do find a home to put an offer on, plus it will make your offer look stronger than the buyer who is just qualified.

Sellers: Always ask for a letter of approval whether a pre qualification or pre approval with any offer.
Just because a buyer gives you a pre qualification doesn't mean they can't buy your home, it just means the lender is still asking for more information from the buyer to go into underwriting.

Please ask your chosen lender if you have further questions on this process.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Tis The Season Part 2

Yesterday we talked about the advantages buyers can take to make a sale.
Sellers have a completely different advantage.
Here are a few tips on how to make the sale.


Some people think that during the holiday season, selling their home is not the best idea, but contrary to what you believe, it is actually the best time to sell.

Yes, I understand it's a busy time and your may have a lot going on, however so does everyone else-
Which is the ideal reason why it is a good time!
Your competition are going to be other sellers. Staging a home is a great idea, and you can always look around your own home to see what would look good. Get updated kitchen bathrooms, without spending a lot. A good way to that is paint neutral, and replace hardware.

During the holiday season, with out fail it seems, inventory always seems to drop this time of year.
Take full advantage of that. Get your house on the market, find a good Realtor, and price it well.
Watch the offers come in!

What sellers may not realize, that during a low inventory market there is still a lot of activity among buyers. Low inventory means a sellers market. It means a seller has a chance for a multiple offer situation.
Buyers are looking everyday to see what new listing has come up, and be sure to know, your listing will be one of them.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tis The Season

The Holidays are a upon us and for many of you its planning time to be with families. The busy time can also make some of us lose focus on goals that we are trying to accomplish.
Buying or Selling a home.


Stay focused keep your goal in front of you. Whether you have a plan to move into a home by Dec 31st or wait for the hustle & bustle  to be over, and close in January, here are a few tips to help ease some of the stress.

1.) Get Pre Approved. Not pre qualified.  Pre qualified means you have a lender who has looked at your credit and says you can possible buy. Pre Approved means your lender is confident enough to submit what he has to the underwriter to get your loan approved.

2.) While your looking, whether your pre-approved or pre qualified, get all the necessary paperwork together now, before you find your perfect home. Inventory is very low right now, and chances are if your are not ready to place an offer, another buyer could potentially grab your dream home.

3.) The stronger your offer, the better chance you have of getting the home. A couple way to make a good solid offer.
                      A.) Have all your paperwork into the lender, so you can tell your agent, you are ready to go to underwriting.
                      B.) Escrow Money (Deposit in some states). Know the risks of this, and ask your agent. Sometimes  if you say I'll put this amount down now, and once everything is met on the terms, I'll put down more, can make your offer stronger in a multiple offer situation. But PLEASE each state is different so ask your Realtor what this means.
                      C.) Make your price close to of at asking price. If your agent has done a proper CMA (Comparable Market Analysis) chances are this house should be at value, and if it is, it's better to be close to asking than low balling the seller. One you are at risk of a stronger offer from another buyer, or two you offend the seller and he ignores your offer. Again please check with your Realtor.

Tomorrow I will write how this time of year is a great time for the Seller!